julie verhoeven: fat-bottomed girls

"What color is a drumbeat? What shape does the sound of a guitar make? These aren't airhead questions to illustrator/designer/stylist Julie Verhoeven, who in "Fat-Bottomed Girls" visually interprets music by illustrating her favorite pop songs. The dream-dipped doodler mixes a Peter Max pop sensibility with a post-punk aesthetic, giving color and shape to an eclectic bunch of songs like Kooks by David Bowie, Beat the Clock by The Sparks and Olivia Newton-John's Xanadu. The result—drawings with wild swirls of color and girls' faces hidden demurely within brushstrokes—reveal the hallucinogenic, right-brained landscape of Verhoeven's mind.
Though the line between art, music and fashion is blurry at best, Verhoeven seems determined to cross it."