Xiu Xiu: Fabulous Muscles
Ja, jag vet att vi alla (!) är mer eller mindre trötta på Interpol och dess epigoner, men här är iallafall något som verkligen är värt att kolla upp och lyssna på om man gillar den typen av musik. Xiu Xiu:s album Fabulous Muscles låter som ett mer elektroniskt och trasigt Interpol/Editors; det är hårdare, råare; det är mer magkänsla, mer experiment, infall och galenskap. Och texterna är mer explicita: trasiga hjärtan, destruktivitet, sex, självförakt, och politik...
"that´s a razor and you will make a threat/ that´s a razor make a million billion threats/
and I won´t rest cuz I heard it all before/ my behind is a beehive, there´s a buzz in my
back side/ my behind is a beehive and I won´t rest/ while you break my will"
(ur I love the Valley OH!)
"I can stop lying, I can stop punching my own face/ I can stop stealing money, I can
stop hating my own heart / I can do it/ because of you"
(ur Little Panda McElroy)
"Break my face in/ it was the kindest touch you ever gave/ wrap my dreams around your
thighs/ and drape my hope upon the chance to touch your arm/ fabulous muscles/
cremate me after you cum on my lips/ honey boy place my ashes in a vase/ beneth your
work out bench"
(ur Fabulous Muscles)
"Brian, growing boy stay stay stay awake is my prayer for you/ Brian, tender clutches
run run run I´m thinking of you/ what happens to you when your dad/ hears your
brother pull down your underpants"
(ur Brian the Vampire)
Dagens låt: I luv the valley OH (Xiu Xiu)
"that´s a razor and you will make a threat/ that´s a razor make a million billion threats/
and I won´t rest cuz I heard it all before/ my behind is a beehive, there´s a buzz in my
back side/ my behind is a beehive and I won´t rest/ while you break my will"
(ur I love the Valley OH!)
"I can stop lying, I can stop punching my own face/ I can stop stealing money, I can
stop hating my own heart / I can do it/ because of you"
(ur Little Panda McElroy)
"Break my face in/ it was the kindest touch you ever gave/ wrap my dreams around your
thighs/ and drape my hope upon the chance to touch your arm/ fabulous muscles/
cremate me after you cum on my lips/ honey boy place my ashes in a vase/ beneth your
work out bench"
(ur Fabulous Muscles)
"Brian, growing boy stay stay stay awake is my prayer for you/ Brian, tender clutches
run run run I´m thinking of you/ what happens to you when your dad/ hears your
brother pull down your underpants"
(ur Brian the Vampire)
Dagens låt: I luv the valley OH (Xiu Xiu)